Wednesday, 27 March 2019

3 Proven Ways To Protect And Boost Your Forex Trading Capital

As a Forex trader, you will be surfing turbulent waters with huge amounts of capital in your hand. With aspects like leverage making your trades extremely double-edged, it is up to you to ensure the money invested is secure and doesn't fall prey to erratic market movements. A brief look at statistics will show you that a good chunk of Forex trading beginners lose their money due to poor money management skills. When participating in trades that are accompanied by the inseparable element of risk, blaming the markets for towing you towards losses is an unwise thing to do. 

Demo Trading Account
Managing investments needs no technical knowledge whatsoever! With the power of will and proficient market comprehension, you can mitigate losses, secure your capital and move towards multiplying profits. 

Here are 3 ways around this: 

1) Establish Mental And Physical Trading Limits: 

If you exercise enough control over yourself, you have already done half of the necessary. Traders often take an early fall because they are unable to exert mental control over themselves and end up losing money due to greed. Along with emotional stops, placing real-time Forex Trading stops is also important if you want to keep your trades from dipping! With a few well-planned stop orders in place, you can mitigate several costly losses that have more than enough appetite to eat up your trade. 

2) Back Out Of Poorly-Placed Trades: 

Never hold on to a losing trade, no matter how promising it seems. Once a trade has crossed a particular threshold of decline, it becomes obvious thereon that ascension can't be expected. Novices on many an unfortunate occasion, keep holding their position even when it is dipping, out of some mad hope that it will climb back up and profits can be made, magically. Don't make the same mistake! If a trade turns out bad or has been placed wrongly, leave it immediately. 

3) Take Calculated Risks: 

Big risks equal big money, but big risks also lead to bigger losses; so what should a trader do? He should take risks, be it small or big, but take them in a calculated manner. Do your fair-share of market and trade analysis before taking a leap of faith! 

Want to perfect your money management approach? Get a Forex Demo Trading Account in Indonesia today and go all-out! WesternFX equips you with world-class Forex Trading accounts, cutting-edge strategies and provides unparalleled guidance. Our experts are seasoned trading veterans, and with their backing, you will be able to make the most out of each trade placed, and see rapid success in your venture! Call us today to know more. 

Monday, 25 March 2019

Why Manual Traders Should Consider Using Forex Trading Indicators

A field as complex as Forex trading puts traders in a spot where they need some external assistance to help land profitable trades. With various charts displaying a variety of points, there is only so much a trader can do on his/her own. This is where indicators come into play; designed to provide traders with the necessary details to identify profitable trends and capitalize on them, Forex indicators are a blessing in disguise! Indicators aid in predicting potential trends the market might see, thus keeping you better-equipped to avoid the bad ones and zero-in on the good ones before the competition does.

Forex trading indicators work by taking multiple algorithms into account to study the instruments you are working with. Based on this information, you are presented with easy-to-grasp trade information in the form of graphs and other illustrations. When placed right, they can help land incredibly profitable trades and mitigate many expensive losses. 

Here are 4 reasons why indicators are an important Forex element today: 

1) Catch Trends Efficiently: 

Trends are the bread and butter of a Forex trader, but netting them is easier said than done. Indicators help traders skim through the charts and find profitable trends to cash in on later. With the right set of indicators in place, you can measure a trend's strength, momentum and many such attributes that essentially project how long it will last and how valuable it is. 

2) Grasp Happenings Easily: 

Without indicators, the charts look dark! A lot can be noticed on the charts, but only if you employ proper indicators. To succeed as a Forex trader, you will have to be adept in your approach, and this is very arduous without a good set of indicators. 

3) Avail Trade Alerts: 

A good Forex Trading indicator will provide you with trade alerts in regards to price, trend changes etc. By making wise use of these, you can vastly improve the quality of trades you place. 

4) Make Agile Strategies And Improve Your Techniques: 

Landing profitable trades ultimately boils down to how efficient your Forex trading strategy is. When you trade with indicators in place, you can continuously improve on the strategy implemented, better it and ensure it brings inconsistent results! 

Merely keeping an indicator won't help; you have to place the right ones to see the most impact! Learn how to use your indicators wisely from the professionals at WesternFX - the best Forex Broker In Indonesia! Our experts will equip you with all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed as a Forex trader in today's competitive markets. Call us now to know more!

Friday, 22 March 2019

Why You Must Use Bullish Candlestick Patterns To Buy Stocks

The candlestick chart transcends from the ancient Japanese rice trade to the modern day stock trades! Several investors find them to be visually more attractive than the usual bar charts. Moreover, it is easier to interpret the price actions with their representations. They appear rectangular in shape with wicks on either side and thus the name - ‘candlesticks’.

Each candlestick normally shows a day’s worth of stock price data. With time, many candlesticks can be grouped together to form recognizable patterns which investors can analyze and make decisions for stock trading as well as Forex Trading.

Stock Broker In Indonesia
How To Read A Single Candlestick:

Representing the stock price data for a single day, each candlestick gives for pieces of information - opening price, closing price, high price, and low price. A black candlestick represents a bearish scenario with the closing price lesser than the opening price, indicating high selling pressure. 

On the other hand, a hollow or white candlestick represents a bullish scenario with the closing price higher than the opening price, indicating buying pressure. The lines on either ends is known as ‘shadows’. They demonstrate the entire range of price action for a particular day, from low to high. The upper shadow shows the highest price for the day while the lower shadow shows the lowest price for the day. Having a clear understanding of the basics of such a structure will enable investors to equip themselves with key stock and Forex Trading Strategies.

Bullish Candlestick Patterns:

Eventually, many groups of candlesticks form recognizable patterns which are acknowledged with a variety of descriptive names including hammer, bullish engulfing, morning star, three white soldiers, and piercing line. However, it is important to note that bullish reversal patterns are demonstrated within a downward trend and they require bullish confirmation. 

One way of confirming is the observation of upward price movements coupled with high trading volumes, following the bullish patterns. Seeking assistance from professional Stockbrokers like WesternFX in Indonesia would be a great way to get started with this technique.

Here are the bullish candlestick patterns which provide the strongest reversal signals.

1) The Hammer & The Inverted Hammer:

This pattern alerts the stock trader that the stock is hitting the bottom in a downward trend. The candles’ bodies are short with longer lower shadows that indicate the price drop during the trading session. By the end of the session, however, the buying pressure increases along with the prices. To confirm the upward trend, the investors must watch the patterns closely for the next couple of days and validate the bullish reversal action by correlating it with the rise in trading volume.

The inverted hammer is also observed to form a downward trend representing a bullish reversal. It’s quite identical to the hammer except that the upper shadow is longer instead of the lower one. This shows the increase in buying pressure post the opening price which is followed by reasonable selling pressure. However, it is not enough to lower the price below the opening value. Here, the bullish confirmation is gotten by detecting a long hollow candlestick or a gap up which is coupled with heavy trading volume.

2) The Bullish Engulfing:

This one is a two-candle reversal pattern. The second one fully engulfs the real body of the first one regardless of the length of its tail shadows. It usually appears in a downward trend as a combination of one dark candle which is followed by a larger hollow candle. 

On the second, one can observe the lowering of the price below the previous low. However, the buying pressure gives a thrust and pushes the price higher than the previous high eventually. This is a big win for the stock buyers. The reversal pattern here can be confirmed when the bullish movement goes higher than the high of the engulfing candle (second hollow or white candle).

3) The Morning Star:

This pattern is looked up to as a sign of hope. It is known to give a new beginning to a gloomy downward trend. Here, one can observe three different candles - a long black candle, a doji(short-bodied) candle, and a long white candle, in the same order respectively. The color of the doji can be either white or black. 

Also, there isn’t any overlap between its body and that of the long black candle preceding it. This depicts the selling pressure that existed a day before is subsiding now. The body of the third candle (white) overlaps with that of the doji. This indicates the resumption of the buying pressure and the start of a bullish reversal, which can be confirmed by increased volume.

4) The Three White Soldiers:

This pattern is known to appear beyond a period of downward trend. It is comprised of three long white candles which happen to close higher progressively on each subsequent trading day. It represents a steady increase in buying pressure, each candle is observed to open higher than the former open and close near the high of that particular day. Investors are advised to exercise caution when they see long white candles which generally attract short sellers, thereby pulling the stock price further down.

5) The Piercing Line:

Like the bullish engulfing pattern, the piercing line is a two-candle bullish reversal pattern, occurring in downward trends. Here, a long black candle is followed by a white candle which is observed to open lower than the former close. Consequently, the buying pressure steers the price upward, by half or more, into the black candle’s real body.

The candlestick chart serves as a valuable technical analysis tool which helps investors refine their information and improve their decision-making capabilities within the realm of stock trading and even forex trading. Remember to always confirm the bullish reversal by subsequent price actions prior to trade initiation. WesternFX is an expert Stock Broker in Indonesia. Connect with us to employ some of the most effective stock trading and forex trading strategies, and boost your ROI!

Monday, 11 March 2019

Important Parameters To Check Before Availing Forex Brokerage

The competitive currency markets today have made it difficult to find a good Forex broker in Indonesia. With brokers aiming relentlessly to milk money from traders, how a beginner finds which agency is to be trusted! The assistance of a good broker always comes in handy; down the line, you will have to make risky trades and this will require some professional help. 

Surviving the competition Forex trading has today isn't something you should do alone, your broker has to be just as committed as you are in order for both of you to see profits! 

Forex Broker In Indonesia

Here are 4 easy tips to help you find the perfect Forex broker: 

1) Check For Broker Regulation: 

A regulated broker is a reliable one; however some brokers manage to find loopholes in this and scam novices. While said occurrences are rare, most regulated brokers can be trusted. Regulatory compliance is important because financial bodies like NFA watch over the currency markets to ensure traders are kept safe from harm, and brokers obey the standard set of rules laid ahead of them for providing honest brokerage. 

2) Ensure Trading Platform Availability And Efficiency: 

While Forex Trading in Indonesia, you will need to work with a good trading platform that has all the tools necessary. You should always avail demo services from your broker, demo test the trading platform they offer and gauge its efficiency for yourself. Doing so after partnering up and paying will be a big mistake!

3) See The Extensiveness Of Trading Accounts: 

A good broker offers everything from micro to premium Forex trading accounts. Depending on your capital requirement, you can either go small with a micro/mini account or invest huge with the premium ones.

4)  Study The Quality Of Their Customer Service: 

Demo trading once again helps tremendously, letting you see how good the customer service is. Often times while Forex trading, you will need the assistance of your broker to help with Forex trading strategies, or simply to guide you through trades. Ensure your broker is knowledgeable and patient enough to provide this aid! 

With the backing of the right Forex Broker In Indonesia, you will be able to make consistent profits and take your trades to starry heights! Partner up with WesternFX today, and avail from our range of Forex trading solutions. 

We house an arsenal of currency trading experts who have spent ample time in the field to help you through it. Talk to them today to know more, call us now! 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Why Many Stock Traders Are Afraid Of The Trading Markets

Many stock traders today find themselves in an intimidated position when it comes to trading. For many reasons like volatility and risk potential, they seem to let this fear govern how they trade and end up losing most of them. The base fact is that some risks have to be taken when participating in the stock markets. The stock market in Indonesia is growing in volatility, and if you want to see big wins, you have to take big risks all the same! 

Stock Market in Indonesia
Here are 4 ways to get over your fear of stock trading and start seeing profits: 

1) Research Till You're Confident: 

Research is the first best step to becoming confident at your craft, and in this case, stock trading. The main reason why several traders fail to cut through their exchanges is because they lack the knowledge to do so. When you don't have the information needed to carry out a trade, you are bound to face losses! So if you want to be a confident trader, research completely. 

2) Always See The Bigger Picture: 

Don't be content or disappointed with just a few trades. Always see what lies far ahead by the horizon, metaphorically. Stock market trading is all about seeing the bigger picture and speculating where you will be after several trades. Keep at your craft till you can see yourself walking down a profitable streak. 

3) Keep The Beginnings Small: 

Always be humble. You may make millions in one trade but might lose a million more in another - that's how volatile the stock markets in Indonesia can get. So no matter the outcome, keep your investments small. Start off with just a few hundred or thousand dollars and grow slowly. 

4) Strategize Efficiently: 

Put most of your energy into devising a good strategy. To succeed in the stock markets in Indonesia, you will have to play around with a powerful trading strategy. Plan it out and implement it right!

To get started with seeing consistent results while working in the Stock Markets in Indonesia, you will have to be disciplined in your approach and dedicated immensely! Above all, you will need the backing of a reputed broker like WesternFX. Reach out to us today, and avail from our arsenal of stock trading solutions. With our expertise to guide you, success will come in no time! 

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Forex Trading Myths You Should Avoid Believing In

Forex trading is a field that is crowded today by traders, brokers, analysts and many such individuals. In a domain this complex, some rumors and myths are bound to rise. While the professional trader can tell apart the true from the false, a novice might not be able to! Falling into believing such myths can be catastrophic in the long run. To grow as a trader, one of the first requirements is that you are able to differentiate the fake claims from the real ones. 

Forex Broker In Indonesia
Here are 4 Forex trading myths you should not fall for: 

1) Following Professionals Brings In Big Profits: 

If you are driven by the misconception, debunk it immediately! The only trueness in this is from a different perspective - Forex trading in Indonesia is profitable, but these profits can't be made overnight and there is no element of luck involved. To make consistent profits as a Forex trader, you will need a good Forex trading strategy and your approach will have to be disciplined. 

2) To Trade Forex You Have To Be Rich: 

Having a good amount of capital helps for sure, but to get started all you need is a few hundred dollars! Don't let this myth take you out of your passion for trading. Be it in hundreds or thousands, with the minimal cap crossed, you can trade Forex conveniently with no financial constraints. The only advantage of a big investment is the potentially bigger return. However, a big investment also puts one in the risk of losing bigger!

3) Forex Trading Will Reward Huge All The Time: 

Some trades can bring in good profits, but others might take all your winnings away! Be not mistaken, Forex trading in Indonesia does have a good profit prospect, but this doesn't apply to all the trades. 

4) A Complex Trading Approach Is Guaranteed To Win: 

Implementing complex strategies only weighs down on you further; it does in no way mean you have a higher chance of winning trades. Even a simple Forex Trading Strategies put in rightly will work just fine!

As you go on Forex trading in Indonesia, many such myths will surface and you will have to debunk them! A clouded vision will only keep you from reaching the levels of success you are capable of. Join hands with the best Forex Broker In Indonesia- WesternFX today, and avail from our arsenal of world-class trading solutions. We will provide you with impeccable brokerage, and help clear your path by imparting years of knowledge. Call us today to get started!  

The Formula Behind Achieving Consistent Success In Forex

Succeeding as a Forex trader is a huge challenge, and succeeding on a consistent note is even more challenging! In the competitive Forex m...