Wednesday, 24 April 2019

4 Ways To Develop The Right Forex Trading Mindset

The mind controls more than we perceive. As a Forex trader, you can do plenty just by having a disciplined mind! One of the main reasons traders fail is because they give in to greed and fear, failing to hone their emotions. Unlike what many think, there is more to Forex than merely analyzing markets and plotting strategies. A lot of psychology is in play! Even with the strongest strategy in hand, a trader can lose the trade if he/she isn't disciplined. Success in Forex trading comes when a trader has a meticulous approach, which in turn comes with the right mindset.

Forex Trading Strategies
Here are 4 tips to make yourself a mentally-adept trader: 

1) Keep Your Expectations Real: 

The reason several traders give in to greed and fear is because they have unrealistic expectations from the markets. Forex trading isn't a portal to riches. Many traders think merely entering Forex markets will make them rich. The reality is quite the opposite! Chances are higher you'll lose more than you make in the beginning. Place as many trades as you want, but keep your expectations real. 

2) Be Patient:
Overnight riches can't be made in Forex Trading - profiting takes time. Forex trading strategies, no matter how effective, don't come into play at speeds you expect them to. You might make big investments and not see proportional returns, but that's how the field itself is. Only the patient and resilient traders get a piece of the pie. 

3) Plan Hard And Stick To It: 

Traders blame most of their losses on the strategy implemented. This is why it is crucial to research amply before picking a Forex trading strategy. Every small and big aspect of the trade has to be kept in mind while strategizing! Once you have done your homework and drafted a thorough approach, stick to it instead of breaking halfway. 

4) Don't Treat Forex Like A Gamble: 

Novices often make the mistake of thinking Forex involves luck as the prime contributor to victories, and treat foreign exchange like a gamble. Thriving, in the long run, requires discipline and the ability to steer away greed. Treat Forex trading like any normal job that pays and you will get back the respect! 

Toughen your mind and enhance your Forex Trading Strategies today, and victory will be yours! Get the much-needed expert guidance from our professionals at WesternFX. Along with platforms and strategies, we will provide you with impeccable trading assistance and help you through trades easy and hard. Try a demo today and see for yourself, call us now!

Monday, 22 April 2019

Unmasking 4 Forex Trading Secrets As Seen In 2019

A market as lucrative as Forex is bound to house myths and secrets in its many nooks and crannies. Known globally for being the trading domain with trillions in market value, a currency exchange has today become a great investment opportunity for the young and the old! Many individuals have made Forex trading a full-time career option. While the experienced have more knowledge of Forex and have a better idea of its intricacies, the novices are kept in the dark. Trading currencies has to be done keeping in mind the various aspects it contains, the ignorance of which leads to the downfall of many. 

Forex broker in Indonesia
Here are 4 trading secrets to be aware of: 

1) Only 20% Of Forex Traders Succeed: 

Thousands enter Forex Trading markets, but only a handful come out with profits in their hands. The currency markets are known for being intense and even merciless on some days. Without proper research and practice, winning trades on these grounds is close to impossible! Novices often blow their account up early due to overinvesting, lack of market knowledge and being unable to act during volatile market shifts. 

2) Several Brokers Lure Novices With Fake Claims: 

When a broker promises you 100% returns, it's a trap. Novices most have only one thing in sight - money, and when a broker claims that they will help them make money, traders get lured in. It is crucial that traders do a background check on brokers before availing their services. Many Forex brokers in Indonesia genuinely are amazing at their job and help several traders reach high levels of profits! 

3) Not All Signals Are Accurate: 

Forex trading signals are provided to help traders find the perfect time to place a trade or to leave one, but they are not always accurate. Several traders bank completely on them and fail to take into consideration any other aspect of the market!  

4) Leverage Does More Harm Than Good: 

A leverage no matter how big or small, more so than less, does harm than good. This can be blamed firstly on a trader's lack of knowledge and secondly on the market volatility. If the markets are volatile and a trader isn't volatile enough, the trade is bound to sink! Always leverage in small amounts and try to grow organically. 

Topping the charts and making profitable trades will only happen when you're aware of the underlying facts. Get to know these and more, with the expert guidance provided by the professionals at WesternFX! One of the top Forex Brokers In Indonesia, we provide our traders with an unparalleled brokerage, on-demand trade assistance and continual guidance to help them improve. Want to give us a shot? Try a demo now, call us!  

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Fake It Till You Makes It - How It Helps While Forex Trading

The mind is a powerful thing, it can make a poor man feel rich, and a rich chap feel poor. Having a winner's mentality, even when you're losing is what will eventually make you a winner! Forex trading is a field that exercises the mind more than anything. Patterns, trends, price movements and all the elements synonymous with Forex all boil down to how you perceive them. While the losing trader lets a bad trade leave him in distress, the winner uses it as a pedestal to climb further up.

Forex Trading In Indonesia
"Fake it till you make it" is something everyone hears at some point in their life. However, this saying applies better to Forex Trading than any other domain. As a currency trader, you will find yourself incredibly overwhelmed by the intensity of this field. The sheer number of aspects it carries within will leave one mind-boggled. Traders enter Forex markets in thousands, but the ones who win are no more than a handful. What separates the winner from the loser? The trading mindset.

In Forex, getting discouraged comes easy. You will face more bad trades than good ones, and lose more than you make, these situations will put you down almost immediately. It is staying resilient that wins trades. Don't mistake this, without enough focus on market analysis and strategizing, winning still won't come, the mind alone won't help you win. However, it will bridge that one last gap keeping you from clutching trading victories. 

Succeeding as a trader is a multi-dimensional concept. For some it is on monetary grounds, for some more number of trades won is a success and for some traders is a multi-dimensional concept. For some it is on monetary grounds, for some more number of trades won is a success and for some traders, success is simply learning a new concept. 

Don't let the idea of success limit itself to money in your head - that's the first trading mistake. Finding contentment should be prioritized over finding profits. This greed that traders have, they want to make more and more, is what eventually leads to overtrading. And once overtrading is given into, finding your way back will be difficult! 

To become a successful trader, you have to think like a successful trader and act like one. Start seeing losses as learning lessons, start keeping notes of your daily trades, learn new approaches and improve on existing ones - there's a lot you can follow to grow as a trader in terms of knowledge and profits. And every successful trader needs a successful broker; get yourself the backing of WesternFX! Assisted by our seasoned Forex Brokers in Indonesia, you will blossom like a flower and see massive success come by in no time! Call us now to know more. 

Thursday, 4 April 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Using Harmonic Forex Trading Patterns

Harmonic price patterns are used to make use of price action with a bit of math, to analyze Forex trading markets better and successfully predict market trends. Being able to figure out where the markets will move before it happens will give you a great competitive edge. Statistics show a 70% accuracy in terms of prediction. For Forex traders who want to minimize on capital loss and play carefully, harmonic trading patterns will help incredibly. 

Forex Trading Strategies

These patterns are based on the Fibonacci approach, extremely popular in Forex trading markets. Harmonics are calculated keeping in mind that a trend will always reoccur. And the difference in Fibonacci numbers gives a clear look at support/resistance level in the markets. These very harmonics also provide reversal rates for traders to utilize. 

Harmonics aren't confined to a box; they come as different patterns, each with their own set of traits and benefits. Some common patterns include Crab, Gartley, Bat, Shark and Butterfly. These patterns help obtain a crystal-clear idea of where the market might move and what shifts prices will see. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using harmonics: 


1) High Success Rate: 

Harmonic trading patterns have a massive rate of accuracy, which in turn leads to success. So it is safe to assume that with a good set of these patterns to guide, acing trades is no difficult ordeal. 

2) Catches Trend Reversals: 

Another significant advantage of using harmonics is that these patterns help catch trend reversals. Several Forex Trading Strategies rely hugely on the occurrence of trend reversals, and with a good plan, reversals can lead you to big wins! 


1) Math-Intensive And Complicated: 

The downside of harmonics is that the learning curve is incredibly steep. You will need a strong understanding of currency markets, and be able to perform complicated calculations that Fibonacci strategies bring to the table.

2) Risky If Employed Without Practice: 

The profit aspect of harmonic trade patterns leads several to employ it without any prior practice - don't make this mistake! Study through thoroughly and practice it till you're adept enough. 

Always try out your approach on a Forex Demo Account platform in Indonesia before taking things to the real-time markets. Utilized right, harmonic trading patterns can make you land several victorious trades and see stellar profits swiftly! Reach out to WesternFX today, and avail from our arsenal of expert Forex trading services. Guided by our seasoned trading veterans, you will find your spot in the top ranks! 

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

How To Find Out If A Forex Trading Robot Is Right For You?

Over the last few years, of the thousands of trends seen, one stands out - technology, and its need to enhance human convenience. From a single wheel to complex, automated cars, evolution has come a long way. Automation in itself is one of the most dominant fields today. With industries like Tesla making self-driving cars a reality, humanity is setting it on a pedestal rocketing towards a technological blooming at speeds never seen before. 

Forex Demo Account
This very automation has also found its way into the field of Forex trading. Today, you can employ Forex trading robots, also known as Expert Advisors, to help you catch trends, signals and even make full-fledged trades. With so many in the market, however, picking the right one becomes a problem.

Here's how you find out which one works best for you:

1) Go Through Multiple Reviews:

User reviews won't always be reliable. Some might be paid reviews, used to advertise themselves, and some might be written negatively on purpose. This is why it is important to go through multiple reviews. Forex brokers, signal providers and robot providers can be found on listings and social media sites; here you can also find users commenting about the experience they got. Use this to help you with the deciding process!

2) Take A Demo Test: 

Get yourself a good Forex Demo Account platform in Indonesia and try a demo of the robot. Typically, you have to establish the trade parameters and the bot follows. Everything can't be automated! This is why even to trade with EAs, you have to do your homework and be aware of market movements. A demo test will give you a good idea about how the robot functions. 

3) Ask Other Users Who Avail Its Services: 

There are many blogs and forums you will find on internet Forex trading circles. You can ask traders who participate here about the quality of services a bot provides and make a decision accordingly. 

Finding the right Forex Trading bot will work wonders down the line. You need just study the markets and set the trading parameters, the EA will do the rest! Get your hands on some of the best EAs in the market today, avail them from WesternFX. Our experts will provide you with stellar trading platforms and robots to work with; making sure success is the predominant outcome! Call us now to know more. 

The Formula Behind Achieving Consistent Success In Forex

Succeeding as a Forex trader is a huge challenge, and succeeding on a consistent note is even more challenging! In the competitive Forex m...